Is Transvaginal Mesh Safe?

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Transvaginal mesh surgery has become a popular solution for women affected by pelvic organ prolapse (POP), which can plague sufferers with pain and discomfort.

What Is Transvaginal Mesh?

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when a woman’s vaginal tissues become weakened or stretched. Reasons that a woman’s vaginal tissues can be stretched or weakened include childbirth, chronic constipation, repetitive heavy lifting, poor tissue or chronic cough. If POP is left untreated, it can result in constipation, urinary leaking, pain and pressure in the pelvis and lower back.

For women who develop POP, one solution to relieve the painful condition is to surgically implant transvaginal mesh to reinforce the weakened or stretched vaginal tissue.

How Can Transvaginal Mesh Hurt Me?

Transvaginal mesh is supposed to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of POP. However, for thousands of women who have undergone the procedure, it has resulted in painful complications. These were not isolated incidents. So many women experienced complications from mesh implants that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was forced to intervene. The FDA has gone on the record stating that transvaginal mesh surgery complications are not rare, mesh surgery is riskier than traditional non-mesh repair and there is no evidence that mesh repair is more effective than non-mesh alternatives for correcting POP.

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